Help Document: Ip to country Provide high-speed proxy " ip to country " searching and grouping according to self-defining, at a rate of 100 thousand items per seconds. 1. Import proxy list: Click " Import " button to import proxy list from files or paste proxies to "In" textbox. 2.Self-defining country grouping: In "Countries" textbox, group countries as you like, or group into small groups,which consist several countries. Group is set off by " ; ", country by "," . Grouping result document directory is "lists/country/*.txt", and the first four country groups will be shown in the output textbox. 3.Click "Go!" to start searching: Wait only a few seconds. 4.Searching result: All the results will be preserved in the directory of "lists/country". 5.Fresh IP location searching database: Use the "ip-to-country" database at You can download and update the database by yourself.